Look what I got...

It's big, it's shiny and it's 100 percent fake. As the weather has heated up, my fingers have gotten a lot more swollen to the point where I can no longer wear my wedding and engagement rings.
I feel a little funny being knocked up and not wearing a ring so I had the idea to hit up Kohl's to buy the gaudiest rock I could. The Pretend Husband preferred I get something that could actually pass as a real engagement ring, which is how I ended up with this one. And it's weird not wearing my rings, but this one will do. After we paid $8 for it and were leaving the store, I said to the PH, "Why did you spend thousands of dollars on my ring? You could have saved so much money by buying it here!"
I may be fooling myself, but I think it looks pretty real (I realize the photo is a bit fuzzy). I also think I'm being a little silly by feeling like I need to wear a ring while pregnant. What do you think? Do people notice that kind of thing? Should I care?
I did the same thing the first time I was pregnant. We went to Wal-Mart for a plain gold band, but of course I noticed the pretty sparkly cz's a little ways over in the case. Hold up, let me set the scene here: I was obviously pregnant and hubby wasn't wearing his ring because of some auto work he'd been doing earlier in the day. I asked to see the prettier bands. Hubby asked how much they were and then shouted, "Geez, woman, $35!" The gal behind the counter just kind of looked at my belly, then at him (I'm sure he had auto grease of some sort under his fingernails), and raised her eyebrows. We totally looked like hillbillies. Needless to say, I got the prettier ring :)
I be really sad if I couldn't wear my rings. They're an extension of my finger. I bought a fake once when I was working at a grocery store and the creepers kept hitting on me.
We did a brochure at work about pregnancy and they were adamant that we be able to see the womans right hand and the ring on it!
Not too difficult, until they declared we also needed to show a HIspanic woman pregnant with a ring. So specific!
i love pollyanna's story! and sam's has happened to me...
i haven't been able to wear my rings for a while, mostly because my very simple platinum band - which i never take off - was already snug. at first, i wore two rings that i had - just to wear SOMETHING - and i wore my already snug wedding band on a chain around my neck. but these days - i totally forget to put it on.
Hahahaha Pollyanna is awesome! I want to recreate that!
I think SJ's on-a-chain is probably the smart move, although I'd probably just do what I do now - take them off wash the dishes and then forget to put them back on for weeks.
I definitely think people notice. But those who are judging either have never been pregnant or are just stupid. Mine have gotten tighter that is for sure but I think once they come off for good I'll just put them on a chain around my neck and call it good. They can judge me all they want. I'll judge them right back. :)
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