-- When the Pretend Husband learned I was no longer allowed to sleep on my back, he appointed himself the Sleep Police. I was frequently woken up by him poking me and saying, "Roll over." And if that weren't bad enough, I sometimes woke up to find him groping me as he tried to determine whether I was lying on my back. I don't miss being woken up all the time.
-- By the end of my pregnancy, I was incredibly swollen, especially in my hands and feet. I couldn't fit into anything other than flip-flops and often woke up to find my hands frozen into claws because of the fluid in my joints. I had so much fluid that, a week after giving birth, I had already lost 20 pounds. I won't talk about how much sweating I had to do in that week to get rid of that much fluid...
-- Oh yeah, and the last reason to be glad I'm no longer pregnant is being able to see the little being who I knew only as the kicking, hiccuping thing in my belly. And what a cute little being he is:
He's such a doll!
Looks like a keeper :)
he's growing so fast. Don't worry, there's always time to do it again ;-)
That is a freaking cute baby... and btw, is PH the sheriff of said Sleep Police? An officer? Marshall?
Didn't know you could love so much, did you? He's absolutely adorable and well worth it :)
Oh my gosh KAT he is so freaking cute! How gorgeous is he?! Beautiful, well done!
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