Friday, August 14, 2009

Where I've Been - and Will Be....

So yes. I've been absent again, but thank *goodness* for KAT (and, apparently, my mom) and her funniness for keeping up the blog.

I've been busy hanging out in 17th century villages and whatnot. (True story. See my twitter updates about staying overnight on site at the New York Renaissance Faire.)

And that's where I'll be once again this weekend while I help out my friends at the Crown and Feather by donning a fake accent and some fabulous clothes. I'd say come see me, but chances are, you don't know who I am and if you do, you may freak me out a little. But why not? If you happen to be going to the NYRF this weekend, come by! We'll chat over turkey legs.

It'll be great.


Gucci Mama said...

I've always wanted to go to a Renaissance Faire.

Sam_I_am said...

do they have pickles on a stick too??

Andy - Instafather said...

My mom has always been scared of RenFaire attendees because she hears from a guy who knows a guy who dated a girl who knows a guy who goes to faires and said everyone gets drunk, stoned and has orgies.

Not sure how that would differ from Woodstock, minus the swords, but what can you do.

Kate said...

I love Ren Fest, I'm taking kids in a couple weekends. Ours doesn't have overnights! :(

sj said...

Kate, it doesn't normally. The only reason I was staying over night was because I was working there at my friend's shoppe :)