it's hard to watch, but i've tried to visit her as much as i can. i'm not sure that she knows me anymore, but she smiles and nods at me. she also waves her hand at me when i ask her if she's comfortable or if i can get her anything.
a couple of weekends ago, i was hanging out with my cousins (whom i rarely see) at my grandmother's apartment. she lives with my parents, which, growing up, was always fun. she'd baby sit us, check up on us, let us watch tv with her, scold us when we needed it, offer us advice when we didn't want it (but needed it anyway).
i was going through my limited polish vocabulary with her. she smiled and laughed as i struggled over words like "zimny" (cold) and "swinia" (pig). i told her - "you taught me that, grams!"
and in her infinite though perhaps clouded wisdom, she responded with "I taught you everything."
and that, my bloggy friends, is quite true.
current itunes song: "silent house" by the dixie chicks
She's quite a lady. I haven't talked with her very often, but I remember going upstairs to visit with her (with you, of course) and she kept trying to feed us.
Your post is a beautiful tribute to your grams. I know it is so tough watching her decline. Hang in there!
I'm sorry you're going through this; though it is never easy, you will cherish these moments you had with her at the end of her life. Hang in there. I'll be thinking of you...
my grandma just passed away in May. I spent a lot of time with her in the end, and I am SO glad I did. Now, my other grandma, who is 97 is coming to live with me in about a week so I can take of her. Grandmas are so special. What a great photo
I love that photo of you two! So sorry to hear she is declining and I am so glad you have such good memories of her.
I'm sorry you are going through this. I think this is a wonderful post.
Aww, haha that quote is so adorable! I feel the same way about my late grandmother. I'm so sorry you're going through this. Hang tough. :)
I've been there... It is very tough.. Hold onto all those good moments, they're what will get you through. :)
Ok sj - you have to stop writing these posts that make me tear up at work! Or I'll just have to stop reading your blog while I'm at work. Seriously though - your tribute is so touching. It's wonderful memories like those that keep us going even when times are rough.
thank you all for your warm thoughts and sharing your own stories. it totally helps to think of the happy times.
and sometimes, you just need to share, you know?
Ohhhhh...I love grams!! What sweet little lady. This must be really hard for you...I'm so sorry!!
As SJ said, Thank you all for your kind words. This is such a difficult time for us.
Gram is a wonderful lady
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