Thursday, August 26, 2010

How FunnyKid Finally Got a Name

Hello all! It’s Kat’s lil sis here. Why a guest blogger, you ask? Well, seeing that Kat is a little preoccupied at the moment snuggling a precious new baby, this proud auntie has the privilege of announcing that FunnyKid is..........................

A BOY!!!

Little Owen was born today at 1:33pm, weighing 7 lbs, 9 oz and measuring 20 1/2 inches long. I have yet to get the full version of Owen’s birth story but from the little snippets I gathered, everything went smoothly, there were some humorous moments (surprisingly involving a groggy Kat and not the PH!) and despite Kat’s fears about the size of FunnyKid’s noggin, it turns out he has a very average head circumference. As for other things average, well, I will leave that up to speculation because I refuse to be *that aunt* who talks about embarrassing things before the kid is even a day old.

Congratulations to Kat and the PH as you board this wild ride called parenthood. Welcome to the world, Owen. I already know that with that sturdy pair of lungs you have, you will fit right in to our crazy family just fine. And if you have inherited even half of your Mommy’s humor and wit, then you will live up to your FunnyKid name as well.


Gucci Mama said...

He's precious! Congratulations Funny Family!

Sam_I_am said...

AHHHHH!!!!!!!! A boy!!!! Everyone said he'd be a boy!!!! I'm so EXCITED for you! He's beautiful!!! Happy Birthday, Baby Owen!

Anonymous said...

That baby made me melt!! Congratulations to all of you and a very very warm welcome to the little baby! :) :) :)

Kelli said...

Yea! Congrats! But, did I just read you still had two weeks? Wasn't the VERY. LAST. POST about how absolutely long this might take?
Glad you were wrong! From what I hear (because I know nothing of it first-hand,) those last weeks/days/whatever are the worst!

Audreya said...

Congratulations! Welcome to the world, FunnyKid!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Kat and PH!!
Welcome to the world Owen!

Soda and Candy said...

Aww congratulations, what an adorable squishy bundle of joy!

Srg said...

Congrats KAT and the PH!! Little Owen is cute as can be. I can't wait to meet him in person!

Pollyanna said...

He is just toooooooo precious! Congratulations!!!!

Sarah said...

Congrats! Our quartet of Children Who Will Take Over The School District, Class of 2028 is nearly complete! (We're just waiting on you now, SJ.) As soon as you're up to it we'll have to have a playdate. Um, not that Ian is doing much playing yet, even at 4 months old. Really just a "look-at-the-cute-babies" date.

Mom said...

Congrats and best wishes to the whole fam damily! What a precious boy.

kk said...

congratulations! and best of luck as you embark on parenthood to a child with only 2 legs and no fur.

(I especially like the club sandwich and fries in the least someone is living it up in that "hotel"...)

Isabel said...

Oh, I love the name Owen so much. He's adorable. Good job!