* First of all, in case anyone is curious, I am almost 15 weeks pregnant. So still pretty early, but late enough to be out of that terrible, horrible first trimester. Everybody tries to gloss over it, but man, there were things like feeling nauseous if I didn't have food in my stomach! having to get up to pee once each night! and needing more sleep than usual! (Why yes, I actually had an extremely easy first trimester. Go ahead and hate me, starting... now.)
* The PH and I have decided not to find out the sex of the baby. We like the idea of being surprised. I also like the idea of driving my in-laws crazy (the Pretend Father-in-Law said, "You're not going to find out?!? But I need to know. Can you ask the doctor to email me?")
* I'm at the point where I don't look pregnant, I just look fat. When I told my coworkers I was pregnant earlier this week, I said, "OK, who suspected?" because I feel like the weight gain is obvious. None of them did. But still, there's a little roundness to the belly that wasn't there before. I've been wearing maternity pants (best.invention.ever!) for a couple of weeks now, but I called the PH yesterday and said, "My maternity pants aren't fitting very well. They're really uncomfortable today." His response? "You're growing out of maternity clothes?!?" I hung up on him.
Ah, it brings back such sweet memories of looking like the size of a ship with cankles that you can't even see but you know they are there because you can only fit into flip flops and everyone just looks at you and they have a sorry expression on their face (mixed with a "I'm glad that is not me" look!).
Yay, the best is yet to come!
I hope Chapter 2 talks about the difficulty of giving up alcohol, because I'm extremely interested in hearing about it. I don't think there's a "martinis and mommies" support group, so we can be that group for you.
Yes, for every martini you can't have, we will have it for you!
Congratulations! All the cool girls are getting themselves knocked up (um, including myself in that).
Kellie on Beauty is in the Eye if the Beer Holder is in the soon-soon-to-be-fat-ho group too. Check out her funny blog. I know you would love it.
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love finding other bloggers who are going through this whole pregnancy thing with me! It's a whole new (sometimes boring) world! No martinis, no sushi and staying up til 2 am is SO hard to do now! I've turned LAME! :)
no sushi and no martinis?
I think I'd like Mystery Baby too, except for I like pink too much so I would want to know so I could make everything pink.
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