Wednesday, September 23, 2009

This is why I will not be moving until at least next year...

Dear SJ,
Selling a house S-U-C-K-S. I mean, I'm not going to blow smoke up your butt. It's terrible. I think the only reason I survived it was because a lot of our stuff was still packed in boxes from when we had moved in a year before.

Showings are a pain in the butt because it means having to get your dog out of the house, erase all indications a dog lives there, clean up anything that has accumulated since the last showing, turn on all the lights (that's a little hint from an old pro at this...) and find somewhere to go-- harder than it sounds because even if you have a million stops to make on your way home from work, inevitably, you will not have anything that needs to get done or any way to fill your time for the hour you need to stay away from home. Oh, and don't get me started on the phone call you will receive at work from someone in the realtor's office saying, "I know you indicated you need 24-hour notice, but these buyers are right around the corner and want to stop in at your house. Is that OK?"

But, you know what? It's worth it in the end. I guess it's like childbirth where you forget how painful it was just as soon as you lay eyes on the baby (or so I've heard...). Because the cleaning? The having to vacate your house for an hour at a time? The open houses? The last minute showings? Won't matter at all the day your offer on a new house is accepted.

So, I wish you an offer $30,000 over your asking price from the first people to walk through your house, an appropriate closing date and the current owners of the house of your dreams accepting your offer for $100,000 less than what the house is worth. And, short of that, I have a cabinet full of (your) liquor I'm willing to crack open at any hour, including the one you need to stay out of your house for while a buyer walks through.

Yours 'til the martinis run dry,
FunnyGal KAT


Anonymous said...

that was awesome KAT. TWO POSTINGS in one day!!! How excited was I to visit the site this afternoon to find a new posting!!!

Dont forget your minus a bottle of baileys.. maybe you should make sure the other bottles are not *empty* as well...

Soda and Candy said...

Ugh, I'm so glad we plan on never moving!

SJ, all my fingers & toes are crossed for you. Did you buy that room spray that smells like freshly baked cookies? I hear that works a treat.

Srg said...

And this is why we're probably never going to move. That and the fact that we've dumped almost another house's worth of money into it over the last year.

Soda - that is awesome idea, but I don't think SJ would feel right spraying a scent around when she has the baking skills to REALLY make it smell yummy in there. I'm thinking spiced pumpkin cupcakes with a cinnamon and sugar glaze on the top... Hey don't you have an open house this Sunday?!? And I'd be willing to bet that there'll be offers waiting for you if you leave a few of those babies on the counter for prospective buyers!

sj said...

alas, i have promised J that i wouldn't bake until we sold our house...

he's too anxious about keeping it clean. but, i have more to say on this topic, so it warrants its own post (to give KAT a break!)