Thursday, June 25, 2009

When technology intrudes...

The Pretend Husband and I needed new phones right around the time the iPhone dropped to $100 (still more than I've ever paid for a phone...) He got one because he needs it for work and I got one because... I'm awesome, I guess. I think there was some sort of reasoning that I could use it to help the PH with his work, but I ignored that crazy talk because I was too busy picking out which apps to put on the phone.

I love it. I get email on it. I have a variety of games. My calendar and address book are stored on it. I will probably never have "just a phone" again. And I guess I talk about my love for the iPhone a lot because a friend said to me, "I've never seen you this excited about technology."

But I worry. Just a bit. I worry that it may be detrimental to my marriage. Especially when, instead of talking to one another, the PH and I lay in bed each playing a game or fiddling with our phones. Or, like last night, when the PH sent me an email from his phone in the dining room to my phone in our bedroom to tell me he would be coming to bed soon. Then, when I didn't respond immediately, he yelled up the stairs for me to check my email. Which means he could have just yelled up that he would be coming to bed in a minute. But that didn't stop me from sending an email to say I'd be waiting.


Jaime said...

I just got an iPhone yesterday and I LOVE it!!!! They are just so awesome!

Soda and Candy said...

Hahaha, when the Husband got an iPhone, someone told me it was time to say goodbye to my husband, because he would be married to it now.

Now you tell me all I needed was to get an iPhone too!

Anonymous said...

Jewy and I do that all the time. It's twisted but fun for the whole family if Child Services doesn't catch wind of it.

Nanc Twop said...

I have iPhone envy. Should I drop my current phone more often?...

Srg said...

Well we don't have iPhones, but J and I frequently find ourselves facebooking each other from opposite ends of the house. How sad is that?!!