Monday, March 09, 2009

The PH's sudden interest in soccer, explained

OK, enough about my weird dreams about politicians. Let's talk about the Pretend Husband and just one of the things he did to make me laugh this weekend (seriously, he was on some kind of roll... I wish I had followed him around with a video camera to capture his comedy act).

Last night, the PH was in the car with me on the way to my soccer game. I casually mentioned that we were playing a team that, for some unexplained reason, was named after an-- ahem-- adult entertainment establishment in the state.

The PH's eyes got wide. "You're playing a team of strippers?!?"

I didn't even respond before he was off on a litany of jokes about playing a team of strippers (apparently, from my perspective).

"Wow, PH, you're sure eager to come to my games these days."

"Um, PH, you can't be on the field during the game. You're going to have to go back to the bleachers."

"PH? Why the sudden interest in coaching... the other team?"


Sam_I_am said...

haha, men. :-)

Srg said...

Yup - he's a guy!

in time out said...

Okay, I can't tell you how long I have been trying to leave you a comment, only to finally notice that the comment box had been up for a LONG time, I thought my computer skills were broken.

I love to read you. such a funny gal.

Hey, I wrote a post on WOmen Doing More, IT is worth READING. Not that I wrote it, but that my aunt wrote much of it, sharing her experience. I am trying to pass along the word about it, and the blog site. IT is amazing for women. so, if you get a chance to read it;