Monday, September 17, 2007

You are cordially invited...

I’ve been told that some people are able to arrange a dinner date with a “Wanna?” and a “Sure.” I’m jealous. Because, when SJ asked the Pretend Husband and I over for dinner Saturday, it was an entire process.

SJ asked me. I gave a tentative yes and said I would check with the PH. I asked the PH and he said, “What’s she making?” When I told him it was chicken, he quizzed me about how she was going to prepare it (because SJ is an adventurous cook and the PH is… well, he’s not an adventurous eater. At all.) When I said I didn’t know how the chicken was going to be prepared, he wanted me to call and ask SJ. Forget it.

I called SJ and said we’d be over later. An hour later, SJ’s husband J called to check whether the PH likes cream cheese, which was an ingredient in the stuffing for the chicken. I took the call and proceeded to have a shouted conversation out the window with the PH about his feelings about cream cheese. It was decided he liked it, although he wasn’t sure about it going with the bacon in the dish. (Again, I refused to call SJ and clarify whether the cream cheese and bacon would be mixed together).

That, coupled with the fact that I don’t eat red meat and SJ made a piece of chicken with very little bacon to be sure I would eat it, made for a complicated arrangement. Luckily, everyone agreed on the apple crisp.

(By the way, SJ, I didn’t realize how much I had missed your cooking until this weekend. We should definitely get together for dinner again soon. We can have it at my house… but you have to cook.)

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