Monday, January 22, 2007

ah so.

this post is dedicated to my canadian friend ed. he uses that expression a lot, so i used it as my subject line.

i work in a fairly fast-paced and high pressure environment, so it's always good to have fun people that break up your day. for me, that person is ed. sure, we see each other every 4-6 months, and speak on the phone perhaps twice a year. but everyday, i can count on at least one gut-splitting funny instant message.

so they may not translate well into our blog (not because he speaks french-he may, although on a daily basis, with me at least, he speaks english, but rather, because they're mostly inside jokes about the cast of characters we work with), but i did want to give him a blog shout out, if you will. thanks, ed, for making everyday fun. i look forward to your little orange aim bubble on a daily basis.

aren't co-workers fun? two years ago, when i started my job, i meant to keep my distance because i never meant to stay as long as i have. but now, i work with such cool people, that they get me through it. do you have co-workers llike this? the kind that can tell exactly what thought you're not expressing by the height of your eyebrows? or perhaps the kind that you've developed a unique code complete with nicknames for all of the annoying personalities you work with (we have 'crazy bathroom talker lady' and 'ugg boot lady' and also 'The Metro' -- we also have some perhaps more mean names... like Mama Cass. But they are all well-deserved, I promise.

what about you? do you have any crazy coworker stories that you wish to share? (we LOVE sharing...)

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