Wednesday, September 27, 2006

More Coding Fun

It seems we had a minor technical glitch (minor, as in "our entire blog disappeared except for some funny-looking characters"). But it seems to be back to normal now after some tweaking on my part (funny how the coding gets left to the person with the least knowledge on the subject). Hopefully, it looks somewhat like it did before and I will continue to test my skills by playing around with it.
Any advice (this mean you, Molly!) can be mailed to us at our brand-spanking-new email address at right. (We've actually had it for a few days now, but haven't gotten any mail). So, step right up and be the first to break in our inbox (just like with that boyfriend in high school, but with less panting and more satisfaction).


sj said...

okay- for the record - i *did* restore it yesterday -- just not the way it was completely.... i didn't leave it all to you. just the part that would make it look like it did before (although apparently we had some fans of our retro look from this morning)

FunnyGal KAT said...

I didn't to make it sound like SJ sat around eating bon bons (which is pretty much what a day at work is like for her, I've heard) while I frantically tried to fix our blog. I'm AT work today, but not actually DOING work so redoing the page gave me something to do.
I did the typing and making of mistakes that will probably cause our blog to implode again, but SJ has the much harder job of fielding my calls and emails when I mess something up. Oh, and then fixing all my mistakes so the aforementioned tragedy doesn't happen again.

sj said...


it's actually reese' peanut butter cups, not bon bons.

you know, KAT, i actually think you have a future as a programmer...

Molly said...

Okay, I emailed you, help is on the way - if you want it!