Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Relax? We don't know the meaning of the word...

I haven’t written recently because I’ve been busy keeping Molly quiet following her surgery last week. It would be easier to keep a roomful of preschoolers hopped up on sugar quiet than this dog. To be fair, she was very quiet when I picked her up from getting spayed on Friday (that, and angry… she wouldn’t even look me in the eye!) And she was quiet during the car ride home and when we got into the house and for about 10 seconds after that.
Ever since, it’s been a whirlwind of lifting Molly up and down from the bed (so she doesn’t pop the stitches or work too hard or feel like she’s not the center of the family… or something like that), chasing her around the living room trying to get her to stop running and refusing to let her do fun activities like sprawling in the dirt, jumping on other dogs and eating bugs (the last one doesn’t have anything to do with the surgery– it’s just gross).
Luckily, she only has about a week left before the stitches come out and she can resume normal activity. Somehow, I suspect that’s going to bear a strong resemblance to this past week anyway.

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