One year ago today, I felt the greatest pain I had ever experienced. One year ago today, I felt the greatest joy I ever experienced. Though I can hardly believe it, FunnyKid is one year old today. And what a year it has been.
One year ago, I met this guy.
Today, I was lucky enough to be greeted by this guy.
I'm busy preparing all sort of surprises for FunnyKid's party-- and praying the hurricane headed our way holds off on the rain until after we're done celebrating. But I wanted to take a minute to share the joy that this kiddo brings to my day.
It's hard to sum up my pride for FunnyKid and all of the abilities he has gained over this year. As a new mom, I have been-- of course-- enamored with every "first," from that first awesome smile to his first steps behind his push toy. But perhaps what makes me most proud about this kiddo is how he has lived up to his FunnyKid nickname.
I never knew a baby could be so funny. FunnyKid loves to laugh (and what a great laugh it is) and will bust out with a belly laugh even when we're not trying to do anything funny (he finds someone throwing something-- or even just making a throwing motion-- absolutely hilarious). And he is a little ham who does what he can to make people laugh. He somehow came up with this cute little head tilt that gets people every time. He "kisses" me by coming at my face with an open mouth and sucking on whatever part of my face he catches (it's impossible not to laugh when someone is sucking on your cheek). And, although it's not on purpose, his little butt sticking out when he walks behind his push toy is sure to elicit laughs.
One year. A year of smiles, new talents, tears (oh, the tears! from both FunnyKid and I), adventures, new experiences and laughter-- more laughter than I could have hoped for when I came up with the nickname FunnyKid. Thanks for living up to that name, kiddo. You're the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you, Bubby!
So many books...
10 years ago