On the way home, I remarked to the PH how upbeat and outgoing his mom seemed and mused that maybe it was because I'm not used to spending time with her without her husband around. But the PH thought differently: "It's probably the drugs."
Lo and behold, when I called her today to see how she's feeling, she was giggly and cheerful, and when I said, "You sound like you're doing well," she replied, "It's the Percocet!" and start giggling like crazy. I guess the PH knew what he was talking about after all.
Hahahhaha, I took something like that once and everyone thought I was high.
I guess I was in a way.
: )
Is it bad to want to get high while I am at work? I so do!
So at least you've got her Christmas gift nailed down, right?
When my neck goes out, I have to take some happy drugs to make my muscles stop spasming and they make me.... euphoric.
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